General Introduction:


What is special or unique about your city?

Eindhoven is known by locals as "Lichtstad" - the City of Light - due to its connections with electronics giant Philips, which became headquartered there in 1891. Eindhoven is the fifth-largest city of the Netherlands with over 210,000 inhabitants. Historically, Eindhoven was little more than a collection of villages but as a result of urban planning and expansion, today the city is known for its high-tech industry, large shopping malls and cutting edge design.


What are a newcomer's first impressions of your city?

Eindhoven is a beautiful city with stunning scenery. One of the greatest aspects of living in the city is that you won’t have to waste a long time commuting as everything is easily reachable from one part to another, by public transport and bikes.

The whole city is comparatively modern with very few buildings older than the 1940s. From almost all parts of the city, at least one Philips tower can usually be seen.


Are these impressions likely to change?



What is the local language?



How easily could I live in this city without knowing this language?

Almost everyone living and working in the Netherlands is able and willing to speak English. Although if you plan to live there for a long time, it’s advisable to learn.


How might the local weather affect my daily life?

The warmest months of the year are June to August, when temperatures range between 21 and 26 degrees Celsius. There are rarely extreme temperatures, and even in winter the temperature does not often fall far below freezing point.

Because The Netherlands is flat, some new residents might find it windier than where they have come from. It is also advisable to always carry a raincoat and umbrella, unless the weather forecast definitely predicts sun all day. The weather can change several times within the same day.


Useful Links


Eindhoven tourist guide



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