Crown Relocations has made every effort to present accurate information. However, regulations, rates and other variables are subject to change and Crown Relocations cannot accept responsibility for the errors that might result. Please contact your closest embassy or consulate for confirmation.

Are there any vaccinations I should get or other health precautions to take as I prepare for my move to your city?

Before I get sick, what should I know about seeking medical care in your city as an expat?
Employees are covered by occupational health care for matters occurring during working hours or commuting to and from work. A sick-leave doctor’s testimony can be obtained from the occupational health care doctor.

What is the word for "doctor" in the local language?

What is the best way to locate a suitable health care provider?
Private hospitals are most convenient as they generally have short waiting times, especially in cases of emergency. Public health care can have long waiting lists for non-urgent matters; for example, a simple dentist’s appointment or check-up.

Do expats in the area tend to leave the city/area/country to seek medical care? If so, why and where do they go?
Typically no.

What is the number to call to summon help in an emergency? List medical/fire/police.
The general emergency number is 112.

What do I do if there's an emergency in the middle of the night—or at another time when my normal doctor/clinic is unavailable?
Go to the local hospital's emergency department. In a serious case, call 112.

How will I recognize a pharmacy? What is it called in the local language?
A pharmacy is called “Apteekki” in Finnish.

Is the water safe to drink?
Yes, tap water is safe to drink.