Crown's Consulting Team Hosted a Successful Webinar, "Dismantling the Mobility Paradigm"

On June 26, 2012, Crown held a successful ERC Webinar, "Dismantling the Mobility Paradigm". Over 300 mobility practitioners registered for the event, with very positive post-session comments and survey results.

Crown experts Sarah DeHayes, director, Consulting Services, and Debbie Stewart, project manager, Consulting Services, led an informative discussion on macro trends surrounding talent pressures, employee mobility and an exploration of an integrated approach to qualitatively re-engineer mobility policy.

DeHayes and Stewart addressed practical approaches to re-define the role of the mobility practitioner, re-consider policy design and identify market leading solutions to be applied in the participants’ relevant organizational context.

The use of real life case studies during the session brought theory into practice. Follow this link to listen to the full recording of the webinar.