Interrail UK

Discover Europe and get the best Rail Pass by Train
Eurail B.V. is owned by more than 35 European railway and ferry companies, and is headquartered in Utrecht, the Netherlands. This Crown Recommended Partner is also one of the 50 largest e-commerce companies in the Netherlands
With a commitment to helping travelers to have an unforgettable journey in Europe by train. The Interrail UK Pass was first introduced in 1959 and at the time known as Europass or Eurorail Pass. This rail pass permits travel through 33 European countries on nearly all railroads and several shipping line.
Interrail UK offers an all-in-one train ticket giving travelers flexible access to most trains across Europe.

  • 600,000+ travelers per year
  • 40,000+ cities & destinations to explore
  • 33 European countries included

If travelers from all over the world are looking for the opportunity to experience flexible, borderless train travel across Europe, Eurail BV is the company to visit. With a Eurail or Interrail Pass (for non-European and European citizens respectively), travelers of all ages can use an expansive network of train and ferry connections to travel in and between up to 33 countries.

What exactly is a Interrail UK Pass?

A Interrail UK Pass is an all-in-one train ticket giving travelers a flexible access to most trains across Europe. Unlike traditional train tickets, with Interrail UK you can go wherever you want, whenever you want. Some trains do ask you to make a reservation, but most trains can be boarded as easily as flashing your Pass.

Even if you miss your train or your travel plans change, it is not a problem because with Interrail UK you can just hop on board the next service and enjoy the ride.


  • The one Interrail UK Pass beats carrying many tickets around with you, is too much.
  • 40,000 destinations across 33 countries in Europe.
  • Multiple Destinations with one Interrail UK Pass.