AVISO DE PRIVACIDAD I. IDENTIFICACIÓN DEL RESPONSABLE. CROWN WORLDWIDE, S.A. DE C.V. en lo sucesivo “CROWN” con domicilio en Avenida Tejocotes número 76-A, San Martin Obispo Tepetlixpa en Cuautitlán Izcalli, Estado de México; le comunica que la información personal de todos nuestros clientes y clientes potenciales es tratada de forma estrictamente confidencial y de acuerdo a los términos del presente Aviso de Privacidad. II. MEDIOS DE OBTENCIÓN Y DATOS PERSONALES QUE SE RECABAN. “CROWN” recaba los siguientes datos personales que son necesarios y aplicables para dar cumplimiento a las finalidades establecidas en el presente Aviso de Privacidad. a. Datos personales que recabamos de manera directa: a través de página web. Datos personales de identificación. Por correo electrónico y telefónicamente. Datos personales de identificación, patrimoniales y financieros, laborales, académicos. Datos personales sensibles Datos personales de salud, origen racial, tránsito y movimientos migratorios. b. Datos personales que recabamos de manera indirecta a través de transferencias de terceros. Datos personales de identificación. Se le informa que las imágenes y sonidos captados a través de nuestro sistema de circuito cerrado, serán utilizados para su seguridad y de las personas que nos visitan. Si usted participa en eventos y reportajes, se le comunica que las imágenes y sonidos captados, podrán ser difundidos a través de medios de comunicación interna y nuestras distintas redes sociales. Asimismo, su voz como un sonido recabado a través de los distintos medios recabados utilizados, serán tratados como soporte del seguimiento de la calidad de nuestros servicios. III. FINALIDADES. En términos de lo establecido por La Ley y su Reglamento, los datos personales que nos proporcione serán utilizados para las siguientes finalidades: a. Necesarias para la prestación del servicio: i. Realizar los trámites, procedimientos y gestiones para la reubicación de personas. ii. Gestión de asignaciones, asesoría política, programa de gestión, servicios de repatriación. iii. Elaboración, aplicación y evaluación de políticas, estudios internos y externos, gestión de talento global, gestión de movilidad, transformación y cambio global. iv. Servicios de inmigración, administración migratoria, visas y permisos de trabajo, seguimiento y reporte de gestión. v. Gestión y administración de gastos. vi. Gestión de venta de bienes inmuebles, gestión de bienes. vii. Apoyo familiar, de pareja/acompañante y al empleado, para el aprendizaje intercultural, asistencia para educación y enseñanza de idioma. viii. Gestión de servicios administrativos de compensación. ix. Gestión del servicio de mudanza de bienes domésticos. x. Servicios de Consultoría. xi. Procesar solicitudes de quejas y/o aclaraciones. xii. Mantener actualizados nuestros registros para poder responder a sus consultas. xiii. Dar seguimiento a nuestra relación comercial. xiv. Cumplir con las leyes, reglamentos y demás disposiciones legales aplicables. b. No necesarias para la prestación del servicio: (1) Realizar estudios estadísticos, solicitar evaluación y dar seguimiento para conocer el nivel de satisfacción de nuestros servicios. Es importante mencionar que las finalidades (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii), (viii), (ix), (x), (xi), (xii), (xiii), (xiv) dan origen y son necesarias. La finalidad (1) no es necesaria, pero es importante para mejorar la calidad de nuestros servicios, por lo que usted tiene derecho a oponerse, o bien, a revocar su consentimiento para que “CROWN” deje de tratar sus datos personales para dichas finalidades, de acuerdo al procedimiento señalado en el apartado IV o V del presente Aviso de Privacidad. Se hace de su conocimiento que cuenta con un plazo de 5 días hábiles para manifestar su negativa respecto al tratamiento de sus datos personales de identificación obtenidos de manera indirecta, en relación con la finalidad del inciso (b) de este apartado, conforme al mecanismo establecido en el apartado IV del presente aviso de Privacidad. IV. OPCIONES PARA LIMITAR EL USO O DIVULGACIÓN DE SUS DATOS PERSONALES. “CROWN” le comunica que si usted desea oponerse al tratamiento de sus datos personales de acuerdo a la finalidad referida en el numeral (1) del inciso b del apartado III, puede hacerlo valer a través del correo electrónico mtorres@crownww.com, así mismo, por este medio atenderemos sus dudas y comentarios acerca del tratamiento de sus datos personales. V. SOLICITUD DE ACCESO, RECTIFICACIÓN, CANCELACIÓN U OPOSICIÓN DE DATOS PERSONALES (DERECHOS ARCO) Y REVOCACIÓN DE CONSENTIMIENTO. Todos sus datos personales son tratados de acuerdo a la legislación aplicable y vigente en el país, por ello le informamos que usted tiene en todo momento el derecho de Acceder, Rectificar, Cancelar, u Oponerse al tratamiento que le damos a sus datos personales, así como revocar el Consentimiento otorgado para el tratamiento de los mismos; derechos que podrá hacer valer acudiendo de manera personal en nuestras oficinas en la Dirección General en el domicilio del Responsable, en el domicilio del Responsable, para que le sea proporcionado el Formato de Solicitud de Derechos ARCO, debiendo adjuntar copia de su identificación oficial, o bien enviando un correo electrónico a mtorres@crownww.com para que le sea proporcionado a través de este medio, el Formato de Solicitud de Derechos ARCO, mismo que deberá presentar de manera personal en el domicilio del Responsable en las oficinas de la Dirección General, debiendo adjuntar una copia de su identificación oficial para acreditar su identidad. A través de estos canales usted podrá Acceder, Rectificar, Cancelar, Oponerse o en su caso Revocar el consentimiento para el tratamiento de sus datos personales; la respuesta a su solicitud de Derechos ARCO se le hará llegar al correo electrónico que haya proporcionado, o bien de manera personal en el domicilio del Responsable, dentro del término de 20 días hábiles contados a partir de la fecha de recepción de la solicitud. Así mismo, se le informa que el derecho de acceso se tendrá por cumplido cuando se haga llegar la respuesta correspondiente a través de los medios señalados con anterioridad. El ejercicio de los Derechos ARCO será gratuito, debiendo cubrir el titular, en su caso, los gastos de envío, reproducción y/o certificación de documentos; sin embargo, si el titular ejerce el mismo derecho en un periodo no mayor de 12 meses, la respuesta a la solicitud tendrá un costo que no excederá de 3 unidades de cuenta vigente en la Ciudad de México. En caso de no estar de acuerdo en el tratamiento de sus datos personales, puede acudir ante el INAI. VI. TRANSFERENCIAS DE DATOS PERSONALES. Transferencias sin necesidad de consentimiento: Se le informa que con el único propósito de dar cumplimiento a las finalidades establecidas en el inciso a apartado III del presente Aviso de Privacidad, sus datos personales de identificación, patrimoniales, financieros, laborales, académicos e incluso sus datos personales sensibles de salud, origen racial, tránsito y movimientos migratorios; serán transferidos y tratados dentro y fuera de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos por personas distintas a “CROWN”. En este sentido, con fundamento en lo dispuesto en La Ley y su Reglamento, sus datos personales podrán ser transferidos sin necesidad de su consentimiento a: (i) Terceros proveedores de servicios para dar cumplimiento a las obligaciones que derivan de la relación contractual establecidos en el apartado III. a. (ii)Agentes Aduanales; (iii) Agentes Inmobiliarios; (iv) Navieras; (v) Proveedores transportistas de mudanzas terrestres y aéreas. (vi) Autoridades competentes para dar cumplimiento a las disposiciones legales, aplicables al servicio ofrecido. Transferencias con consentimiento: “CROWN” le informa que no realiza transferencias de datos personales a terceros para finalidades secundarias. VII. MODIFICACIONES AL AVISO DE PRIVACIDAD. Este Aviso de Privacidad podrá ser modificado de tiempo en tiempo por “CROWN”, dichas modificaciones podrán consultarse a través de los siguientes medios: 1. Nuestra página de internet https://www.crownrelo.com/intl/es-mx/ (Sección Aviso de Privacidad). 2. Avisos visibles en nuestras instalaciones de “CROWN”. 3. Cualquier otro medio de comunicación oral, impreso o electrónico que “CROWN”, determine para tal efecto. Introduction Privacy Compliance Data Protection Officer How we collect and use (process) your personal information Use of Crown websites When and how we share information with others Transferring personal data outside of the EEA Security of your information Data storage and retention Data subject rights Independent recourse mechanism for Privacy Shield complaints Changes and updates to the Privacy Policy Questions, concerns or complaints By using this web site, you consent to the terms of our Privacy Policy and to Crown’s processing of your information for the purposes on this page. If you do not agree to Crown’s Privacy Policy, please do not navigate past this page. Introduction Crown Worldwide Group (“Crown”) has developed this Privacy Policy out of respect for the privacy preferences and choices of our customers and prospects. We have established procedures to ensure that every reasonable effort is made to address your concerns. Crown and its subsidiaries provide services to corporations as well as individuals and their family members. In order to provide the contracted personal services, Crown needs to collect and process personal data. This Privacy Policy describes Crown’s policies and practices regarding the manner in which we collect and process your personal data, and sets forth your privacy rights. We may from time to time update this Privacy Notice as we adopt new privacy policies. Privacy Compliance Crown and all its subsidiaries comply with both the EU-U.S. and Swiss-U.S. Privacy Shield Frameworks as set forth by the U.S. Department of Commerce regarding the collection, use, and retention of personal information transferred from the EU to the U.S.. Crown has certified to the Department of Commerce that it adheres to the Privacy Shield Principles. If there is any conflict between the terms in this Privacy Policy and the Privacy Shield Principles, the Privacy Shield Principles shall govern. To learn more about the Privacy Shield program, and to view our certification, please visit https://www.privacyshield.gov/. In order to demonstrate that our Privacy Policy accords with the above privacy instrument, we are voluntarily committed to a self-assessment procedure. For any violation of the Privacy Shield framework, Crown is subject to the investigatory and enforcement powers of the FTC, or any U.S. authorized body. Data Protection Officer Crown has appointed an internal data protection officer for you to contact if you have any questions or concerns about Crown’s personal data policies or practices. Crown’s data protection officer’s name and contact information are as follows: Nelson Akinrinade Chief Privacy Officer Crown Group 8111 LBJ Freeway, Ste 555 Dallas, TX 75251 United States Phone: +1 214 341 2371 Fax: +1 214 341 3160 Email: dpo@crownww.com How we collect and use (process) your personal information We collect personal information on our customers in order to provide relocation and relocation-related services to them. In many cases, Crown acts as a data processor as directed by our corporate clients. Crown only collects personally identifiable information about individuals when such individuals specifically provide such information to Crown on a voluntary basis or while requesting information on Crown’s services. For example, an online service request requires the collection of personal data in order for us to be able to respond promptly and correctly to the service request. Crown collects personal information about its customers and prospective customers. The personal information collected is limited to what is necessary to provide the services requested by the customer: first name, last name, employer name, home address, email address, phone number, biographical information, and in some cases passport details and financial information. We use this information specifically to provide the services requested by our customers. We do not sell personal information to anyone and only share the personal information with third parties who are directly assisting in delivering the requested services from Crown. Use of Crown websites The following discloses our information-gathering and dissemination practices for the following websites: www.crownworldwide.com www.workingwithcrown.com www.crownrelo.com www.crownrelocations.com.au www.crownrelo.co.nz www.crownworldmobility.com www.crownrms.com www.crownfineart.com www.crown-logistics.com www.crownwinecellars.com www.crownworkspace.com These sites may contain links to other sites. Crown is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such linked websites. Users should check the applicable Privacy Policy of such websites when providing personally identifiable information on those linked websites. Crown does not track users when they cross to third-party websites. As is true of most websites, Crown’s websites collect certain information automatically in order to maintain optimum performance. The information may include internet protocol (IP) addresses, the region or general location where your computer or device is accessing the internet, browser type, operating system and other information about the use of Crown’s website, including a history of the pages you view. We use this information to help us design our site to better suit our users’ needs. We may also use your IP address to help diagnose problems with our server and to administer our website, analyze trends, track visitor movements, and gather broad demographic information that assists us in identifying visitor preferences. Crown’s website also uses cookies and web beacons. For more information about cookies, please visit allaboutcookies.org. Crown uses third-party providers to help manage and maintain the security and performance of our websites, therefore some information is collected and processed on all visitors to our website by our third-party providers. The third parties also help Crown in generating reports about trends of visitors to our websites. When individuals voluntarily submit their personal details to Crown via our website or other means in order to receive quotes for our services or subscribe to marketing information from Crown, those personal details submitted to Crown are processed by third parties on behalf of Crown in order to respond to the inquiries or requests. Crown may sometimes engage third parties to mail responsive information to customers who request Crown’s services, newsletters, white papers, and other information about Crown and its services. Any third party providing such services for Crown has contractually committed to use the data only for the intended purpose and has also agreed to securely process the data at all times. When and how we share information with others The personal information Crown collects from you is stored in one or more databases hosted by Crown in the UK, Hong Kong, and in the U.S., depending on the terms of the contracted service. For email and other related services, Crown uses established third-party cloud service providers who do not use or have access to your personal information for any purpose other than cloud storage and retrieval. Due to the nature of Crown’s business, we use qualified service partners to provide some of the services requested by our customers. Therefore, in order for those third parties to be able to provide the services, Crown must transfer your personal data to the service partner who has a need to know the details. We will not share more information with the third party than they need to know. Those third parties are contractually obliged to protect your data in a secure manner at all times. We remain responsible for the handling of your personal information by those affiliates and third parties as provided in the EU-U.S. and Swiss-U.S. Privacy Shield Framework Principles, including the Supplemental Principles. If you request Crown to provide immigration or cross-border services on your behalf, Crown may need to provide your personal information to those necessary and responsible government agencies in order to approve the paperwork. Transferring personal data outside of the European Economic Area Information we collect from you will usually be processed in the country in which the service you requested originates but access may be granted in the country in which the destination service is provided. At other times, we may need to transfer the data to Crown affiliates in countries outside of the European Economic Area to generate some reports. Crown transfers personal data only with your consent; in order to perform the contract with you; or to fulfill a compelling legitimate interest of Crown in a manner that does not outweigh your rights and freedoms. Crown endeavors to apply suitable safeguards to protect the privacy and security of your personal data and to use it only consistent with your relationship with Crown and the practices described in this Privacy Policy. Crown also minimizes the risk to your rights and freedoms by not collecting, storing or transferring more information than needed to provide your requested service. Security of your information To help protect the privacy of data and personally identifiable information you transmit through use of this site, we maintain physical, technical and administrative safeguards. We update and test our security technology on an ongoing basis. We restrict access to your personal data only to those employees who need to know that information to provide services to you. In addition, we train our employees about the importance of confidentiality and maintaining the privacy and security of your information. We will also take appropriate disciplinary measures to ensure that Crown staff protect personal data at all times. Data storage and retention Your personal data is stored by Crown on its servers, and on the servers of the cloud-based database management services Crown engages. Unless your contract or the law provides otherwise, Crown will not retain your data for longer than seven years. Data subject rights This Privacy Policy is intended to provide you with information about what personal data Crown collects about you and how it is used. If you have any questions, please contact our Data Protection Officer. If you wish to confirm that Crown is processing your personal data, or to have access to the personal data Crown may have about you, please contact our Data Protection Officer. Crown’s customers always have a choice to consent or not consent to the sharing of their information with third parties. Crown only processes the information for the specific purpose and according to the consent given by the individual. You will always have the right to access, review, and correct any personal information that we may have collected on you. An individual who seeks access to, or who seeks to correct, amend, or delete inaccurate information in Crown’s possession should contact Crown, and Crown will review and make corrections accordingly. For more information on where and for how long your personal data is stored, and for more information on your rights of erasure and portability, please contact Crown’s Data Protection Officer. Independent recourse mechanism for Privacy Shield complaints In compliance with the Privacy Shield Principles, Crown commits to resolve complaints about our collection or use of your personal information. Individuals in the European Union with inquiries or complaints regarding our Private Shield policy should first contact Crown at: Nelson Akinrinade Crown Group 8111 LBJ Freeway, Ste 555 Dallas, TX 75251 United States Phone: +1 214 341 2371 Fax: +1 214 341 3160 Email: dpo@crownww.com CROWN WORLWIDE GROUP has further committed to refer unresolved Privacy Shield complaints to the American Arbitration Association (AAA)’s Independent Conflict Dispute Resolution ICDR/AAA Program, an alternative dispute resolution provider located in the U.S.. If you do not receive timely acknowledgment of your complaint from us, or if we have not addressed your complaint to your satisfaction, please contact or visit http://info.adr.org/safeharbor for more information or to file a complaint. The services of ICDR/AAA Program are provided at no cost to you. Under certain limited conditions, individuals may invoke binding arbitration as a last resort before the Privacy Shield Panel. Crown (including its subsidiaries) also agree to cooperate with the EU Data Protection Authorities (DPAs) and the Swiss Federal Data Protection and Information Commissioner (FDPIC) for complaints involving the collection of human resource data. Changes and updates to the Privacy Policy The foregoing policies are revised and effective as of May 25, 2018. Crown reserves the right to change this policy at any time by notifying users of the existence of a new Privacy Statement. This statement and the policies outlined herein are not intended to and do not create any contractual or other legal rights in or on behalf of any party. As our organization practices may change from time to time, this Privacy Policy is expected to change as well. We reserve the right to amend the Privacy Policy at any time, for any reason, without notice to you, other than the posting of the amended Privacy Policy at this site. Questions, concerns or complaints Please contact Crown’s Data Protection Officer: Nelson Akinrinade Crown Group 8111 LBJ Freeway, Ste 555 Dallas, TX 75251 United States Phone: +1 214 341 2371 Fax: +1 214 341 3160 Email: dpo@crownww.com