Five easy steps to keep mold at bay

Hong Kong, almost entirely surrounded by the South China Sea, 5 easy stepsexperiences lovely subtropical weather for most of the year and intensely humid summers with occasional thunderstorms. As a result, one of the first things you will be warned about when you move to Hong Kong is the mold.

Here are FIVE simple tips we’ve compiled to be proactive in preventing mold:

  1. Keep your home dry and well-lit! Investing in high efficiency dehumidifiers is a good step. So is drying clothes using a drier versus hang drying during “mold” season (typically May to August).
  2. Supermarkets all over Hong Kong sell moisture tablets which can be placed in wardrobes, suitcases and cabinets. You can purchase these tablets to absorb any dampness, but remember to replace them monthly or when they dissolve.
  3. Consider leaving finer garments and expensive linens at home – mold can ruin fabrics.
  4. Although it is unhealthy and ill-advised to paint over mold or mold spores, you can use anti-condensation paints on mold free walls as a preventative.
  5. Alternatively (or in addition!), you can scrub the walls with bleach in April or May as a proactive measure against the short mold season. If you try this, we recommend you clear the house of kids/pets, wear a mask/goggles and air out the house very well afterwards.

Prevention will save future headaches and effort eliminating mold further down the road!