Getting to know our team: Silvia Mio

We spoke to our Sales Consultant, Silvia Mio about her experience working for Crown Relocations and her top tips to help you plan your next international move.

As one of Crown’s newest employees, how are you settling in?

I am settling in well, the company has been extremely supportive of both my professional and personal needs throughout my induction. I have experienced a warm welcome from my manager and other colleagues, who are all friendly and understanding. I am enjoying the workplace too; it is a true learning environment.

Tell us about your role

I work as a Sales Consultant for Crown’s new Dubai sales centre. My role includes assisting customers, finding shipping solutions, researching destination regulations and coordinating with other team members.

How do you strive to deliver outstanding customer service?

They key to providing a high-quality service is listening to customers, understanding their needs and showing that you care. So, this defines my approach to doing business with our clients. I also maintain excellent communications and make sure they feel that I am there for them during the move planning process.

Being an expat, how did you manage your own international move?

Originally I lived in Italy, before leaving for Dubai six years ago in 2014. My move was easy because I didn’t bring much with me, just two suitcases. I have now been in Dubai six years and I am enjoying it thoroughly.

What lessons did you discover from your own move?

One of the most important lessons I learned was that it can be difficult to leave things behind. But the more you move the easier it gets to let go and embrace new adventures!

What advice would you give to people moving to a completely new culture to help them settle in?

Go with an open mind and take it as a learning experience. There will be times when it will be amazing, but there will also be times when you are not going to enjoy it quite so much, but this is when you will learn something!

What do customers not often think about when planning their move?

Firstly, furniture needs to pass through door frames, so factor this into your planning. Secondly, show proper consideration to duties and taxes, both at origin and destination, as these can significantly affect the costs of your move. Finally, ships generally take months to reach their destination, so be prepared to wait if you are transporting items this way. Think about what you will practically need when you arrive and how you will source those items in your new destination.

Do you have any tips for people thinking of working overseas?

Do it, the world is a big place. Do you really want to live your whole life in the same spot? There may be times when it will be hard for a variety of reasons, but working overseas is certainly worth it in my opinion!

What’s great about working in the UAE?

The UAE is a fantastic place to do business. It really is the land of opportunity, a place where you can progress quickly. That said, you still need to work hard for what you want, don’t expect things to fall from the sky!

What do you like to do in your spare time?

I enjoy spending time outdoors at the beach and climbing. I love art in all shapes and forms, cooking and painting. I also have a pet cat, who I adore, and who loves watching me work on my art projects!