No matter if you are thinking about continuing your studies abroad or having some professional experience in a new country, fear and doubts can be your biggest enemies at the moment of making the right decision for you. If you need some motivation for moving to another country, we tell you 5 good reasons to relocate: 1. Be happier: We don’t know your current happiness level at the moment, but we do know the ones of expats. According to the 2017 Expat Insider survey, the large majority of expats considers themselves happy (78%) — one in five is even very happy (20%). So, if you think your happiness could be improved, start looking after your borders! 2. Be a problem-solver (aka, a genius) Having an open-minded attitude towards other cultures seems to be related to better problem-solving skills (at least, this is what the results of a study from William W. Maddux show). We are not saying that by living abroad you will find “the idea” to open your business or the solution to your never-ending research thesis – which could be-, but it might definitely help you to see the world with different eyes, and help you making more informed and original decisions. 3. Find a life partner Did you know that every fourth expat in a stable relationship has met his or her partner after relocating? Believe it or not, moving abroad transforms you and it seems it has an impact on your chances to find your “other half”! 4. Mastering a new language Unfortunately, a language cannot be learned without effort, but it definitely helps if you are living in the country where it is spoken. Expat Insider survey data indicates that 43% of the expats feel confident in communicating in the local language – we understand that it’s different from their mother tongue!- which of course it’s beneficial for professional and personal life. 5. Be (more) social! Could moving abroad be the solution to your shyness? Or just a way to expand your social circle? Highly likely both. A study tracking the personality development between students who studied abroad and students who remained in their home country showed how the ones who studied abroad were more extrovert, agreeable and open to others than their home country counterparts.