Majority of young adults in Europe are willing to move for their career

It looks as though European young adults are not deterred by boundaries and are willing to go abroad to take their careers to the next level.young professional Although almost all European youngsters are willing to emigrate, the differences between the European nationalities are huge. For example, young adults from Spain are the most willing to emigrate while Dutch and Belgian youngsters would rather stay in their beloved home countries.

The differences for moving abroad vary but frequently it is due to the economic situation at home and also the search for adventure. Spanish youngsters are not happy with the current economic position they have in Spain and therefore 88.6 % of them are willing to emigrate.

Also, Austrian young adults are very willing to emigrate, but mostly because they are looking for an adventure. The same applies to young Germans.

Young adults from Belgium are the ones who would most rather stay in their home country. Just 66.5% of them are willing to emigrate, which is a low percentage compared with the other European countries. If they are willing to do so, it is due to economical reasons and not for the adventure.