Preparing for an international move

Relocating abroad isn’t an easy task and it takes careful planning and dedication to ensure your move goes according to plan. Taking care of the most important tasks and researching your new location will help minimise delays.

Here are six essential tips for planning your move:

Understanding laws

Read up on local laws and customs so that you can avoid unexpected surprises or legal loopholes.

Manage your healthcare

The rules for accessing healthcare will be different to in Belgium. Organise temporary insurance cover until you are registered in the healthcare system in your new country. Don’t wait until you get unwell to sort your healthcare otherwise you could end up with an unnecessary bill.

Seek independent legal advice

It’s always good to seek independent legal advice in your new country – particularly to help navigate contracts and any property negotiations for purchasing a house.

Don’t rush in to buying abroad

Take some time to get to know your area, enlist the help of a real estate agent and wait until you are certain you are purchasing a home in an area that suits you.

Tax facts

Read up on which tax rates will be applicable to you in your new home. Also don’t forget to take in to account exchange rates and any financial implications of moving abroad.

Announce that you are leaving

Don’t forget to inform relevant organisations that you are leaving the country. Notify your bank, credit card companies and your utility providers. Arrange a date for all final bills to be paid and organise for your mail to be re-directed to your new address.