Crown Relocations has made every effort to present accurate information. However, regulations, rates and other variables are subject to change and Crown Relocations cannot accept responsibility for the errors that might result. Please contact your closest embassy or consulate for confirmation.


What are the items that I should bring with me because they’re not available (or are too expensive) where I am going?
Most daily necessities are quite easily available.

Will anyone have particular trouble finding clothes that fit?

What grocery stores do expats in your city shop at?
Fotex, Superbrugsen, Superbest, Netto, Irma

Where can other household items (such as cleaning materials and home furnishings) be found?
IKEA, Ilva, Idemobler, Schousen, El-Giganten, Punkt 1

What are factors that might affect my shopping habits in this country/city?
In most supermarkets, customers need to pay for shopping bags.

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