Repatriation: returning home after a life abroad

Moving back home can be more of an adjustment than you may realise. Surprisingly many can feel a sense of disconnect when stepping back into their old culture and way of life.

The culture shock here is not as obvious as a move abroad. The reverse culture shock you may feel can be just a sense of no longer belonging. It means that a lot of people returning home identify themselves as a global citizen. Feeling like the experience of living in another country has made them much more than their nationality. This is not a bad thing. It means that you get to come home and see things from a brand new perspective.

Here are our top tips for repatriation:

Accept that you have changed
You may not want to go back to the same routine as you once had. But you don’t have to, you should be free to try and do new things no matter where you are living. You can explore your home with a different mind-set now. Why not explore and find new places to feed your inner traveller.

Be aware that those you are coming back to may be different
People change all the time, you may find that so too have the friends and family you will be returning home to.

It’s ok to miss your expat life
You are likely to miss your time living in another country, just as you likely missed home when you lived away.

Be proud of yourself
You did it! Living abroad is a great experience which not everyone gets the chance to experience. Be proud of your accomplishments and the changes you see in yourself. Living abroad helps you to be more open-minded and adaptable as well many other great things.
If you are looking to return home to Denmark and would like a moving quote please click here.