How to ship your car to Australia and pass the customs

You are moving from Germany to Australia, and you do not want to separate from your car? It is surely possible, but there is always a lot to consider with any relocation. Including whether it is to your benefit to relocate with your current vehicle instead of buying something new when you arrive. Shipping a vehicle isn’t as complicated or expensive as you might think; although there are many factors to consider. If you are planning on shipping your car when you relocate to Australia be aware that a few changes have been made: The Department of Immigration and Border Protection is responsible for it and explains how this should be done.
There apply border control changes
The Department of Immigration and Border Protection have recently announced changes on how vehicles should be imported into Australia. It is now required that anyone wishing to import a motor vehicle should complete a declaration that states the vehicles does not contain asbestos.
Was your car manufactured since 1999?
If your vehicle has been serviced only ever through an authorized dealer and was manufactured after 1999, it should comply with the new regulations. If you are unsure whether your vehicle has been serviced under these guidelines or of the history for any vehicle parts, you may wish to not ship. An incorrect declaration could result in substantial fines.
If you are unsure, please get your vehicle checked
If you would like to be certain that your vehicle will pass inspection and comply with the new regulations you can arrange for your vehicle to be tested through an ILAC asbestos testing facility.