Compliance – a necessary evil?

The Mover Magazine recently published an article regarding compliance within the relocations industry and how over recent years, it has become much more complex.

Stuart Lawson, Global Alliance Manager of Crown
Stuart Lawson talks about compliance relating to bribery and corruption

As part of the article, Stuart Lawson, Crown’s Global Alliance Manager, highlights the actions that Crown has taken to improve its compliance to legislation relating to bribery and corruption.

Stuart explains some of the key measures any organization can undertake in raising awareness through the implementation of policy and staff education, while also discussing reporting and methods of investigation. Stuart explores the way the challenges of compliance can be dealt with and how Crown has followed these steps to further enhance our approach to these important issues.

At the end of the article, Stuart reminds the reader that compliance can be a very effective marketing and business development tool and not a necessary evil. 

You can read the article yourself in a PDF format.