Moving with teens to Nigeria?

How do you think teens would react to a moving decision? Most of the times, parents make main life decisions without bringing their children into the early discussions, announcing the decision when it’s already been made. This makes them feeling frustrating and powerless.

If you are considering a move to Nigeria, try to bring your teens and older children in on the discussion. If you end up relocating, they’ll feel that they had something to say, which could make a difference for their new lives.

Some tips on including your kids in the discussion to have them a sense of ownership in the decision

  • Try to put yourself in your kids’ shoes and listen to their concerns.
  • Help them write their own pros and cons list. 
  • Let them  participate in the research of schools and neighbourhoods.
  • Include them in the preview trip to your new home town.
  • Make a game of who can find the coolest new thing or hobby to do your new location.

​Once you have made the decision for moving, follow this tips:

  • Contact the local Internet service provider to have Internet connection up and running before move-in day, if possible. 
  • Let the kids make decisions on the color, layout and décor of their room. 
  • Even though you’re busy settling in, make sure you take time to enjoy the “cool stuff” your teens researched. 
  • Enroll them in activities where they can meet other kids with similar interests.
  • Start a piggy bank with spare change to save up for a best-friend visit.

The more involved they are in the decision and process, the more likely everyone is to make a successful transition.