Top tips for picking the right location overseas

Whether you’ve chosen or have been assigned to a new destination by your employer, picking the right location is essential to a happier stay. Some factors to consider are location preference and individual needs. And, depending on your needs, you might want to find a place close to work, school, shops or medical facilities. Perhaps most importantly, you’ll want an area that is safe!

Preview trips
Preview trips are perfect preparation. Each one is a fact-finding mission – a positive, in-depth introduction to any location. You’ll gain helpful information about housing that meets your needs, schooling, healthcare and other opportunities in the area.

Destination information
You can find a lot of information online about most destinations worldwide. Make sure you have in advance all the information regarding:

  • Passport, visa and customs requirements
  • Paying bills and obtaining medical insurance
  • Buying/renting accommodation
  • Choosing a school
  • Driving conditions and obtaining a license
  • Tax requirements

Many companies have begun to integrate duty of care considerations for their employees overseas. If you’re going on assignment and have security concerns about the host location, ask your employer about pre-departure and post-arrival security support. Some will provide
a security briefing to assignees and their families, while others will offer a security assessment of the assignment home prior to arrival.

Check out more key facts about main cities in Crown’s Destination guide, they really are a must-read for anyone considering moving abroad.