Movember 2013: it got hairy!

For a number of years, Crown offices around the world have participated in Movember,Movember a moustache-growing charitable campaign that raises vital funds and awareness for men’s health throughout the month of November. In 2013, 63 Mo Bros and Mo Sistas participated, raising nearly U.S. $11,600!

As a team Crown Switzerland raised the most with a US$ 2,650.52 contribution! Henry Tattersfield from Crown Malaysia led the way, individually raising over US$ 1,200.

Crown offices got creative and came up with various ways to raise funds. Guillaume Caillaud, Business Development Manager from the French team, organized a cake sale at a local school, Lycée du Général de Gaulle, Mrs Odile Moutaux. Staff baked cakes, muffins and pastries to sell to the 1,000 students and the event was a huge success raising €150 (US$ 205).

The Movember headquarters said: "Thank you so much for the amazing dedication and hard work you put into running Movember at Crown. Movember is working hard to change the face of men's health around the world and this would not be possible without your support, we are truly grateful. To have 40 Mo Bros and Mo Sistas raise over US$ 11,000 as part of the Crown Worldwide Team is a seriously impressive effort and something for which we thank you sincerely."