Destination settling in

On arrival, we offer a range of settling-in services to help make your house a 'home' and allow you to start life in your new location.
On arrival, we offer a range of settling-in services to make the process of setting up a property as simple as possible during those overwhelming first weeks.

Previewing your new city

Particularly helpful for families, our preview trip service helps everyone get to know their new neighbourhood. Tailored to meet your individual needs and taking into account the many immediate questions that arriving in a new place can create.  We’ll able to answer any questions regarding areas to live, schools, housing and lifestyle preferences.

Our Preview Trip includes: 
  • A city information pack
  • Collection from and return to hotel or meeting point of your choice 
  • Accompanied tour of destination city/ location
  • Overview of residential areas and community facilities

Finding your new home

We understand that there are many factors to finding the right home for you to suit your personal needs. With our Home Search service we’ll impartially explain the options available to you. Advising on different areas to live, community facilities, safety and entertainment — keeping in mind your needs and budget. 

Our Home Search includes:
  • Pre arrival needs analysis & support
  • Tour of residential areas appropriate to your requirements and budget
  • Inspection of short-listed properties
  • Assistance with lease and property condition report negotiations as applicable
  • Assistance with property handover and move-in
  • Support utility connections, where required

We can provide this service either accompanied or un-accompanied 

Lease negotiation

Negotiating a lease in a new country can be an added challenge. We will help support you through this process. We will point out anything that needs to be highlighted and negotiate with the landlord to get the best options for you.

Preparation is everything, but there will always be surprises. If you need support, we’ll be there.

For more information about our ‘Destination Services’ please speak directly to your move manager or sales consultant.