Is it realistic to learn a new language for a new job?

Louise Tickle looks at what it takes to master a new language for a new role and what employers can do to support staff
In a recent article in The Guardian entitled: "Congratulations, you've got the job - as long as you can master a new language", Louise Tickle looks at what it takes to master a new language for a new role and what employers can do to support staff who are making such a commitment to their professional development.

In the article, Joanne Danehl, Global Intercultural and Language Training Practice Leader at Crown World Mobility, talks to Louise about what it’s realistic to expect in terms of the speed of learning a new language and whether it is feasible to expect someone to be able to learn a new language to perform a new role.

It’s important to remember that not everyone has a high aptitude for learning a new language, and that some do struggle. At Crown Relocations, we understand how difficult it can be for assignees to adapt to what may be a very different environment. We offer a range of language courses specifically tailored to the ability and needs of assignees and their families. Essentially, it takes a novice 120 to 180 hours to reach a "low beginner" level. And to keep moving forward, a student should take a minimum of two lessons, per week, of 90 to 120 minutes! Practice, as they say, makes perfect.