
Making travel easier with airport transfers, Award-winning Shuttles & Taxis in 150+ countries
HolidayTaxis started over 20 years ago back in 2002, with the aim to provide simple and cost-effective transfer solutions for customers and traveler worldwide. Since then, this Crown Recommended Partner has made travel easier for millions of passengers and nowadays cover over 150+ countries and 21,000 resorts and cities around the world.
The customer service team with HolidayTaxis is available 24/7 and provides emergency cover for all customers worldwide, and outstanding advice before, during and after your relocation.
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What makes HolidayTaxis different?

HolidayTaxis have covered some miles since they started and thanks to the experience and customer feedback, the service offered has become exemplary for your peace of mind when travelling. With this travel company the customer always comes first, that is why this Crown Recommended Partner has:

  • Wide range of quality, safe & licensed vehicles
  • 30,000+ positive independent customer reviews
  • Fully inclusive pricing, no hidden extras
  • 24/7 customer support helpline


This Crown Recommended Partner provides a wide range of private and shared vehicles, including airport taxis, shuttles, minibuses, luxury limousines, wheelchair accessible vehicles, electric cars and helicopter rides. The professional and affordable airport, port and train transportation is the perfect solution for getting to your destination stress-free.

Shuttles and Taxis

Shuttle and taxi transfer services also cover many airports around the world, getting you from home to airport in time for your flight. This Crown Recommended Partner even offers same day bookings, so if you need to arrange last minute travel plans, this travel company provides quick and reliable transport to and from your destination.


2018 TravelMole Awards
Globe Travel Awards 2019

Payment Methods

With this travel company you can pay with a secure payment powered by WorldPay. When booking your Car, Shuttle bus or Taxi you can pay via PayPal, Visa debit and Credit, Mastercard, Maestro and American Express.

How does this service work?

You can find this Crown Recommended Partner page on the website (here) or in the Crown Customer Portal, click on one of the call-to-action buttons and follow through to the HolidayTaxis website.
Fill in the information on Airport Origin and Destination, select the dates you are arriving and departing on, select the number of adults, children and infants traveling and click on the button “Book Now”. 
Holiday Taxis will search through their database of available vehicles in their fleer and bring up results with Types of rides and the prices “per person” displayed with the Total Price also displayed.

Select the vehicle you would like to reserve by clicking on the Book Now button.
Fill in the passenger information, flight details and accommodation. There is also the options of adding extras to the order, for example booster seats for children, or extra 30 mins wait time at the airport. 
Select your preferred payment method and fill in your payment details. Click on the continue to payment button and finish the booking. 

Once the booking has been complete, you will be sent an email with the full details of your booking. In the email you will have all the information needed as well as links to Customer service for any issues.
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